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Vinilul "British Poets Of Our Time - The Waste Land. SET 2 DISCURI VINIL" - T. S. Eliot, Alec Guinness

  • Disponibilitate:Stoc epuizat
The Waste Land
A1 The Burial Of The Dead
A2 A Game Of Chess
A3 The Fire Sermon
A4 Death By Water
A5 What The Thunder Said
B1 Preludes
B2 The Hippopotamus
B3 Sweeney Among The Nightingales
B4 New Hampshire
B5 Family Reunion (Excerpt)
B6 The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock
B7 Gus The Theatre Cat
B8 The Journey Of The Magi
Four Quartets
C1 Burnt Norton
C2 East Coker
C3 The Dry Salvages (Beginning)
D1 The Dry Salvages (Conclusion)
D2 Little Gidding

Aceast vinil British Poets Of Our Time - The Waste Land. SET 2 DISCURI VINIL - T. S. Eliot, Alec Guinness a aparut la casa de discuri ARGO in anul 1975.

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Etichete: British Poets Of Our Time - The Waste Land. SET 2 DISCURI VINIL, T. S. Eliot, Alec Guinness